суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

adal ramones.com

Well its not a bad weekend, but then again its not a good one either. I almost have a job at just fresh, and Iapos;m kind of concerned because I got a message from jessie, and it was pretty bad. I messaged back but I canapos;t get in contact with her and I havenapos;t got a response. Also whackjob aka christ*** messaged me saying she just got back from the mountains and had tons to tell me. I thought she would leave me alone by now. And she was never in the mountains. Sheapos;s locked up. I also had lesley drama, she and her boyfriend broke up and thatapos;s a mess. My brother got arrested two days ago and that really sucked. For being drunk. Within his own neighborhood. Granted he had a car with him. Grrr...But mostly, Iapos;m just worried about jessie.

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comcast espn game plan

I never knew how expensive mattresses were. Iapos;m upgrading from a twin to a full for my new apartment, mostly so itapos;s more comfortable when Alex spends the night.

And then I went to Ross last night to check out their home stuff.
Guess what I got?
NO home stuff.
FOUR pairs of jeans. I can NEVER say no to a good pair of jeans since I have such a hard time finding them
Two sweater shirt/dresses.
One button up blouse (who says blouse?).
A pair cuuuuuute Guess shoes. Not that Iapos;ve ever been brand conscious or caring but they were soooo me. Yum.

F Knuckles called me again.
The goal is to hand him our new CD and get him to listen to it. And Black Thought and
?uestlove And then be famous. Sweet.

Is that all I have?
Been gone for like a week and thatapos;s it? Probably not but thoughts come and go. And when they go, theyapos;re gone. Me and Alex attended a presentation on the Peace Corps. Why is "corps" pronounced "core"? Itapos;s definitely something I want to do at some point.

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broadcasting tower

... Got the idea that the Atlantis-gate exploding would have been *the* opportunity to cut off Atlantis from earth even more and make their situation more suspenseful and dangerous again?

I mean, the Atlantis-gate has this unique crystal that makes it the only Pegasus-gate which can access earthapos;s gate - and here it blew up. Now, putting another gate in its place would allow the Atlantis-people to gate around in Pegasus but, since it would lack this certain crystal, it wouldnapos;t allow contact to earth, neither outgoing nor incoming, no gate-travels to or from earth, no messages via gate-contact - no instant help, not even the possibility to cry for help.

The Daedalus would remain the one and only possibility of contact to earth at all and we know that, once the ship has left, it will take at least 6 weeks until theyapos;re gonna see it again. At least - which means, if something unexpected happens that hinders or delays the regular runs, nobody on Atlantis would know about it, nobody would know if the ship will ever return.

And, of course, Atlantis would search and look for either a new crystal or for the information on how to build one to make their gate earth-accessible again. Possibilities Possibilities


Too bad they didnapos;t jump on that chance. Ah, hell, hope the one or other fanfic-author will do it. Itapos;s the perfect set up for Atlantis growing independent and secede from earth slowly in S5.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

boston getaway package

I mapped out the drive to Seattle, Washington.
Me and Alisha are going to go little bit out of our way
just so we can see places and take our time getting there,
and enjoy the trip. This is our "see ya later" roadtrip.
I hate saying goodbye.

Nazareth Pa - Chicago IL; 12 hrs
Staying at the Embassy Hotel Downtown
November 3rd - November 4th.

Chicago IL - Keystone, SD; 14 hrs
Staying at the Rushmore Express
November 4th - November 5th

Keystone, SD - Salt Lake City, UT; 11 hrs
Staying at the Little American Hotel
November 5th - November 6th

Salt Lake City, UT - Seattle WA; 13 hrs
Final Destination

While still passing though Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Wyoming, Idaho, and Oregon.
This is going to be one amazing trip. I cannot wait.

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eight righteous

Wtf the blister where the doctor put acid on my wart was the size of width of my thumb before i popped it it looked like a growth sickk.

after ebonie and i closed tonight, this guy named a.j. Who apparently works there too came in and waited around for ebonie. We didnapos;t get out for a long long time but i barely noticed. I was drugged on ultram, this not-so-sedative vicodin alternative for my foot. A.j. Told ebonie stories about the holy spirit working in his life and it was so cool to hear about. Like really crazy "supernatural christ" stories, as he called them.
mom came and visited me at work and bought some stuff. It makes me happy when she comes, because i know she doesnapos;t like being in there very much. The smells get to her. But she spent $15 and i got a free lambie. A little black one. He looks like a black version of the pink one i have from when i was a baby. Theyapos;ll be friends. Or oscar will just destroy him.

different entries remind me of different colors. This one reminds me of bland yellowish-orange. Eww.

tomorrow i tell candice iapos;ll be taking some time off. Ugh.
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

and just see what happens

Dat veel oefeningen doen helpt om vooruit te komen bewijst Lieuwe telkens weer. Met fysiotherapie loopt hij nu iedere keer de gang alleen, dus zonder hulpmiddel en zonder therapeut. Dit gaat heel goed. Hij heeft alleen nog wel moeite met het draaien aan het einde van de gang. Daar zijn ze nu mee aan het oefenen. Ook met de stabiliteit van de rechterknie en het niet overstrekken van de rechterknie zijn ze al lang aan het oefenen. Je kunt nu duidelijk merken dat dit ook steeds beter gaat. Het vergt alleen wel lang en veel oefenen.

Lieuwe wilde deze week graag van de psycholoog zijn professionele mening horen over hoe het tot nu toe met hem gaat. Hij denkt dat ik niet objectief ben en de dingen te positief benader. De psycholoog vond dat Lieuwe fysiek nog wel zijn beperkingen/uitdagingen heeft, maar dat hij emotioneel en intelectueel op een hoog niveau zit. Hij vond dat Lieuwe goede oplossingen heeft voor de problemen die hij tegenkomt. Hij vond ook dat Lieuwe best op mijn mening kan vertrouwen omdat hij had gemerkt dat ik goed in de gaten heb wat Lieuwe wel of niet kan en dat ik de dingen realistisch bekijk. Lieuwe vond het fijn� de psycholoog dit alles heeft gezegd. Het geeft hem meer vertrouwen.

Verder zijn we deze week weer met een nieuwe oefening gestart. (Alsof het nog steeds niet genoeg is). De oogoefeningen hebben goed geholpen, alleen blijft de wisseling van dichtbij naar verweg moeilijk. Dat blijven voorlopig nog maar verder oefenen. Lieuwe gaat nu ademhalingsoefeningen doen. Zijn praten is nog steeds niet goed en ik heb het idee dat hij ook verkeerd adem haalt. Dinsdag is een consulent bij ons geweest en die beaamde het. Met goede ademhaling kunnen veel klachten beter gaan worden. Bij Lieuwe zijn de klachten moeilijk te scheiden van de gevolgen van het ongeluk. Als hij alleen maar beter zou kunnen praten hebben we al weer iets gewonnen. Volgens de consulente is het hard werken om de ademhaling automatisch goed te doen. De bedoeling is dat hij 10 weken lang iedere dag 2 x per dag oefent. Omdat het best zwaar is heeft ze Lieuwe twee keer gevraagd of hij het zag zitten. Maar Lieuwe gaat er weer helemaal voor. En dan vragen mensen nog wel eens: wat doe je toch de hele dag Hard werken en oefenen dus.

and just see what happens, and just reach out your hand, and just push you off, and just like the movies lyrics.

a spray can

Think of me, think of me fondly,
when weapos;ve said goodbye.
Remember me once in a while -
please promise me youapos;ll try.
When you find that, once again, you long
to take your heart back and be free -
if you ever find a moment,
spare a thought for me

We never said our love was evergreen,
or as unchanging as the sea -
but if you can still remember
stop and think of me . . .

Think of all the things
weapos;ve shared and seen -
donapos;t think about the things
which might have been . . .

Think of me, think of me waking,
silent and resigned.
Imagine me, trying too hard
to put you from my mind.
Recall those days
look back on all those times,
think of the things weapos;ll never do -
there will never be a day,
when I wonapos;t think of you . . .

Flowers fades,
The fruits of summer fade,
They have decisions, so do we
but please promise me, that sometimes
you will think of me

~by David Archuleta

a spray can, a spree, a sprig, a spring clean.